
Welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by.
One Woman’s Notebook has started from my habit of being a bit of a research queen. It might be about sustainable home renovations, the best natural toothpaste on the market, or discovering the must-do and hidden gems for our next family holiday. Whatever it is, you’ll find me armed with Google, and yet another spreadsheet. And a determination to find it – whatever it might be – for a great price.
But why? Seriously – who could love spreadsheets so much to use them in their spare time?! (no – I’m not an accountant).
I suppose it comes down to my pet peeves – I don’t like making bad decisions, and I don’t like wasting money on crap (always better to buy the best quality you can afford).
I used to be a bit of a perfectionist, but that’s in the past now *. I’m a bit of a planner – consider me the Chief Household Officer, keeping things on track for the family with a plethora of lists and spreadsheets. I also happen to love nabbing things for a bargain.
Whilst I’m like this by nature, it all went into overdrive when I became a mum. I’m PRETTY sure this had something to do with suddenly being responsible for new tiny humans.
My personal baby and pregnancy research (yeeehhhh – mega spreadsheet) helped out my friends when they began their parenting journeys. Some of my checklists were useful enough to be shared around, to friends of friends.
Which brings us back to why we’re here. One Woman’s Notebook, a jumble of my notes, distilled into tips, lists, and how-to guides (posted up in no particular order). Stuff I have researched for me, that I hope may be helpful to some of you too.
I would love to hear from you if any of my posts have helped you. Or even if you just want to say hello. Please get in touch!
* If anything is going to hammer the pursuit of perfection out of your life, it’s parenting. There’s nothing like wearing inside-out shirts to the shops (more than once..), and a daily lunch of air-dried leftover bread crusts, to remind you of your priorities!